May 08, 2008


I am more than my face and my name. I am not here to defend myself from criticisms nor paint my self a saint because I certainly am not. I am Rachel and no less than that. You may describe me as average or otherwise. It really depends on who describes who. So I guess the only way I can introduce myself is by telling you who I think or feel or dream I am.

I am Rachel Perez Kabigting. I got a very plain name that originated from the bible and yet my father seems to say I was named after a singer. My name means "ewe" or a female sheep that symbolizes purity. Do I live up by my name? Oh boy, I am cunning, mischievous, a trouble maker but sometimes I do play a part of an ewe. Like I say, sometimes.

My middle name is Perez. If I were to choose, I wish I could adopt my middle name. I have a father but my grandfather has played his part for his as far as I could remember. Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately? He's with God now. But I never lose hope that one day I'll see him again. I miss him so badly.

I've had my share of both beautiful and dreadful experiences. I've seen some of my dreams come to life and to some of it I bid goodbye. I seem to mostly have the answers to problems and solutions to dilemmas but thats for other people. I just can't seem to do what I preach. Oh come, it happens to the best of us.

I love to dream and most of it consists of the usual like traveling the whole world, spending a year in a Paris, owning Oprah's diamonds and exchange my simple life to Paris Hilton. I'm a material girl. Hahaha... Just kidding. But I won't deny that it did cross my mind.

My dreams evolved as I gain age. Right now it involves finishing college as soon as possible and starting my own line of beauty products. Who knows, when it does happen I might recall this first blog entry of mine and say "Before it was just a dream written in my blog... But now it has come to life!"

I've made many mistakes in my life but before they become mistakes I just felt that I was the right thing to do. Nobody can blame me for not knowing what the future holds. I guess I didn't say the usual, "My favorite color is pink and purple. I used to have a pet goldfish and I only drink cold caramel macchiato..." those kind of stuff because like what my blog says: beyond my face. It also means beyond the usual things I do. So this is intimate stuff!

Oh well, its still fun to talk about it! I can't help it, I'm a girl! I'm definitely a 100% certified beauty junkie. I love to read about skin care, I love to buy make-ups, body butter, shimmer... you name it! I'm also a SPA lover and a worshiper of sauna, steam bath and some good old Swedish massage. And yes I love Caramel Macchiato and currently craving for Breadtalk's Cheese Floss. Chocolates? Need not ask. Personally, Godiva's my favorite. No bias at all.

I guess a single blog entry can't really define who I really am beyond this face. But I assure you that as time goes by, with every entry I make, it is a sincere and truthful Rachel. Never wishing nor pretending to be somebody I am not. So this is it for now. Hopefully I get to finish the layout of my website before school starts. Ciao!

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